So I sent Matt an email for the backgrounds I completed last Friday, who emailed back with the following. I have also included the picture I drew before, any pics he attached to the email, and my improvements!!
Banquet landing shot is good. If anything make the pillars less bubbly, but everything else i think is okay.
Old pic;
New pic;
Remove helmet shot - attached an edit. I like the one you've done, but it might make Don look really small against it. I've put a image of Don in it so you can work around that, maybe try and make the archway look a little further away or make the bricks slightly smaller? i'm not sure. Do what you think looks best, if you have trouble don't worry, it looks pretty good as it is and we'll use that.
My old pic;
Matt's attachments;
New pic;
princess kick shot - attached an edit. the brickwork round the window makes it look much better, it's still a bit bright though. Maybe darken the shadows between the bricks and bring in a bit of darkness from the right, not much, just enough to add a little contrast. If that looks pants then drop it, but see if you can get the brick outlines looking darker.
My old pic;
Matt's example;
My improvement;
'Hmmn' shot - the background might have to be extended further left and right. This background has to be sort of on a loop so you have a choice, either extend it enough so that it can be panned behind the animation fast enough to create the illusion of speed, or actually make it so that it can be looped and we can repeat the background over and over. At the moment at the angle you've got it, it looks like he's coming towards the screen when the wall should be just passing. I've attached a screenshot from emma's animation if you want to use it as ref. Any trouble let me know.
Old pic;
New pic;
So when I go in tomorrow will show him the updates and see if they need more updates XD
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